Thursday, December 27, 2012

Book Review: Sister of the South

Review:  #289
Title:  Sister of the South
Series:  Deltora Quest 3 - 4th and final book
Author:  Emily Rodda
Read Before:  yes
My Comments:  You would have started reading this book expecting what happened in the previous three to happen here.  Namely, the trio would find the Sister of the South and destroy it.  I don’t want to put any spoilers, but suffice to say, it will defy all your expectations.  While the first part was still good in its own right, the ending will completely blow you away, just when you think it is all over, something else is revealed.  The pacing was handled very well, never once did I felt like I was bored, there was no boring part.  While the Toran Plague may not be the most interesting thing ever, it was handled very well, and with the chain of events, I can hardly think of anything better.  When the big revelation came, and the true cunning of the Shadow Lord was shown, you will be amazed.  This last ploy, it linked everything in the whole Deltora Quest series of books together, the amount of preplanning in order to have this one moment, it is incredible.  It fit in so well; the plan was so elegant, and so intricate, you would be hard pressed to not be impressed.  Seriously, you feel like you’re going to overload with the amount of things you have gleaned from those few pages, as everything fell into perspective and clicked into place.  Then there’s the final battle, it’s everything you would have wished for.  The teamwork and trust that was built in those final moments, it’ll bring a warm feeling to your heart, and you feel a pride in them.  This book presents a final ending to the adventures of Deltora and of Lief, Barda and Jasmine.  It was nice knowing the fates of those three characters, and you feel like you’ve gone through a big journey too, living the adventure through them.  This is truly a stunning masterpiece.
Rating:  9/10
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