Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Avengers

Who couldn't get excited with this combination of some of the best superheroes acting as a team in the same movie?  I mean, we've watched films where they were the star for a while now, so The Avengers has a lot of promise to fill.  The resulting movie is still good but not perfect.  While it's understandable that they didn't ask to be in a team and thus there would be some issues to iron out, it was a bit boring when they take more than half the movie to sort it all out.  I don't think many people would enjoy watching the team of superheroes at odds with each other.  I think you could have guessed beforehand that this would happen, so there were no surprises there.  I guess the climax of the film makes it up when you get to see them in action and it doesn't disappointing.  While the special effects and battles were great, the plot was a bit weak.  The way it was presented was a mess, since most of the screen time was focused on how the superheroes were fighting each other.  It just felt as if the plot did not advance along.  Some of the humor felt weird, particularly the ones involving the Hulk in the final battle.  It would be all serious and then suddenly the Hulk would do something that's supposed to be funny but seemed out of place.  Still, all in all, a really good film to watch.

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