Friday, April 6, 2018

Project Almanac (2015)

Project Almanac is a science fiction thriller, done in the found footage format, which is actually its biggest weakness.  The implausible scenes where the characters just happen to be carrying a camera, plus the shaky camera scenes which can induce nausea, ruins the viewing experience.  The plot focuses on time travel, and the cause and effect the characters' actions have on the timeline.  Characters can jump back in time for a short amount, before jumping back.  Thus, things would have changed during the time between the two jumps, of which they do not personally have memories of and will have to get a second hand experience/retelling from someone else.  The multiple time jumps causes a mess with things spiralling out of control, and the film does a good job of showcasing the finnicky nature of this brand of time travelling.  While the action of the main character is predictable, digging himself into a deeper hole as he keeps jumping back in time to try and fix things, it's at the same time intriguing and mesmerizing on how this will end or be fixed.  Sadly, Project Almanac disappoints in its ending, not being very satisfying.  Overall, Project Almanac is worthwhile to watch but has a few flaws, including the plot and the found footage format being its biggest mistakes.

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